Booking for tasting at the old oil mill --- Prenotazioni per gli assaggi all'Antico Frantoio -
mobile-cell: 335 58 76 980 - Francesco o Virgilio - phone-tel: +39 0575 789244
open all year - aperto tutto l'anno

La famiglia Bartolomei qualche anno fa ...

THE COMPANY is directed by Giacomo and Francesco Bartolomei, who are continuing the oil mill tradition to produce Extra Virgin Olive Oil. The Bartolomei family of Campalla has been running the oil mill since the second half of the eighteenth century and the mill itself has been documented since 1421.

THE TECHNIQUE: harvesting is by hand, following by traditional cold pressing using grindstones, after which the oil is decanted.

THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE OIL: It is greenish gold in colour and smells fragrant with strong olive overtones, quite intense in nature. When freshly made there is a slightly bitter flavour, but as the oil matures this mellows.

The oil mill is situated in the upper Tiber valley.